Disturbed Bulgaria
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Disturbed Bulgaria
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Disturbed Bulgaria
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Disturbed Bulgaria

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 Link: Disturbed - Live at Rock Am Ring (2008)

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Брой мнения : 166
Age : 35
Местожителство : София
Registration date : 14.12.2008

Link: Disturbed - Live at Rock Am Ring (2008) Empty
ПисанеЗаглавие: Link: Disturbed - Live at Rock Am Ring (2008)   Link: Disturbed - Live at Rock Am Ring (2008) I_icon_minitimeПон Дек 15, 2008 1:31 pm

Link: Disturbed - Live at Rock Am Ring (2008) MLK%20631

Дата: 07-06-2008

Концерт: Live at Rock Am Ring

Playlist :

1: Perfect Insanity
2: Liberate
3: Just Stop
4: Stupify
5: Prayer
6: 10,000 Fists
7: The Game
8: Inside The Fire
9: Stricken
10: Down With The Sickness

Link: Disturbed - Live at Rock Am Ring (2008) Disturbed-rar-2008-shot2

Link: Disturbed - Live at Rock Am Ring (2008) 897236
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Link: Disturbed - Live at Rock Am Ring (2008)
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